Ms. Payal Kapoor, the founder and director at Visions interior designers and consultants, is a name wellknown in the elite circles of the real-estate world. She is an interior designer of International Repute and an honoured member of Association of designers. Her exquisite imagination of warm colours, lyrical designs, and art that add depths has got her featured in numerous publications and TV shows in India and abroad.
She’s been a columnist for leading news papers publication tv shows in both india and overseas. She’s been featured in many national and international journals like the greatest designers of the world. More than 3 decades of glorious
works ranging from iconic properties like Umaid bhawan palace Jodhpur. The palace on wheels luxury train, elite residences, Institutes, Malls, Offices, Resorts and more. Her ability to swing from classic to contemporary to minimalist styles have impressed many Handles projects on both consultancy and on turnkey basis using her in-house teams, hence matching budgets and timelines with no compromise on quality. It’s always quality over quantity for her dedication & passion shows in her work and hence today her company “VISIONS” is a luxury brand to reckon with inspiring so many others..
World’s largest digital newsstand crafted by Indians
Founded by two incredible Indian entrepreneurs, the big sharks at the global business scene, Girish Ramdas and Vijay Radhakrishnan, Magzter Inc is the world’s largest and fastest growing cross platform digital newsstand with over 75 million users, thousands of magazines and newspapers published across 40+ categories and 60+ languages.
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